
Don’t let your life be monetized –
fill it with those things you truly value!


Why should I consider coaching?

One-on-one coaching with Susan can help you fully explore your relationship with money on a profound and healing level, looking at your specific personal, inter-generational and cultural stories that may be holding you back from experiencing resilience and fuller well-being.

It may take only a couple of sessions for you to move into a new level of awareness about past and future choices that may well shift your feltsense around self-value and possibilities.

How is this different than financial planning?

This work is about building the capacity to “right size” money in your life, not how to manage your portfolio.  Your net-worth is not your full worth as a person.  Indeed money and wealth are really separate things worth examining. 

When your relationship with money is liberated from old stories and realigned with your values, you will automatically access increased freedom to create more fulfilling choices in your life!

How do I choose to take a class or do individual coaching?

Group work is definitely a key way to expand your thinking -- experiencing issues through the eyes of others is often greatly enriching. And Susan’s webinars are chock full with various modalities for didactic and somatic exploration. 

However, your individual concerns may well benefit from a co-regulated, personalized space for a deeper dive into what may lie behind the stories that unconsciously rule your relationship with money.  This is not meant to be a replacement for trauma therapy, but a means to support greater awareness and  choice while building personal resilience .

What is the cost for personal coaching?

Susan charges $150 per hour and recommends an initial session of 90 minutes.
(Sliding scale is available as needed)